Littoral Hotel

  • 3 stars
Le Littoral de jourLe Littoral de Nuitbalcon côté lacchambre double 2chambrechambre doublechambre double balcon lacChambre familialesalle de bainSalle de détenteréceptionsalle de petit-déjeuner 2salle de petit-déjeunerréceptionvélo

To know

Between lake and mountains, Littoral offers all the landscapes, all the comforts ... The woodwork suggest the mountain, this clean warm comfort of altitude residences ... The large windows and terrace are open on the lake and its boats.
Littoral Hotel
9 avenue de Narvik
Phone : +33 4 50 75 64 00


Fully air-conditioned hotel, family and cozy atmosphere in a contemporary mountain style.
The establishment offers rooms with a capacity of 3 people and other communicating perfect for welcoming families.
A children's area is available at the entrance of the hotel with loan of books and board games.
  • Prefectural :
    • 3 stars
  • labels :
    • labels
General information
  • Types :
    • Hotel
  • Environments :
    • In centre of town
  • Parking :
    • Parking
  • Accommodation option :
    • Breakfast
    • Breakfast in room
  • Towns :
    • Évian-les-Bains
Equipment, Services
  • Services :
    • Pets welcome
  • Indoor equipments :
    • Lift
    • TV room
    • Air conditioning
  • Recreational facilities :
    • Board games
  • Room with specific use :
    • Shelter for bikes/mountain bikes
  • Cultural leisure facilities :
    • Book shop
  • Multimedia :
    • Telephone
    • Television
    • Cable/Satellite
    • Computer available
  • Health and wellbeing facilities :
    • Sauna
    • Steam room
  • Rental / Loan :
    • Room hire
  • Bathroom fittings :
    • Separate toilet
    • Bath
    • Shower
    • Private WC
  • Rental of cycles :
    • Battery assisted bike rental


  • Accept :
    • American Express
    • Credit card
    • Cheque
    • French holidays vouchers
    • Cash
    • Bank transfers


Hôtel le Littoral
9 avenue de Narvik
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 46.401608
Longitude : 6.588696